08 July 2008

Environmentality: Intrinsic Value - Part I

Environmentality is a word that guests, especially those with a keen Disney sense, will see throughout the Walt Disney World property. Yet, Environmentality is a word, or rather a concept, that is tough to truly internalize. Through this week’s discussions, I hope that I can give you a little glimpse into what Environmentality means and what it stands for. Today we’ll start with a broad overview.

According to the Walt Disney Company, the Environmental Policy Division, the keepers of Environmentality, was created in 1990 with six key priorities: climate protection, energy conservation, green purchasing, waste minimization, water conservation, and wildlife conservation. Environmentality was to be the face of these priorities and represent the Walt Disney Company’s long held principle that business growth can survive harmoniously with the preservation of nature, and was given the catchphrase, “Attitude and commitment to think and act with the environment in mind.”

As a starting point to a larger conversation, here is a copy of Disney’s Environmental Policy. Read it over, and come back tomorrow as we delve headlong into the meanings, facts, and factors of Environmentality.
The Walt Disney Company is a recognized world leader in providing the highest quality entertainment through its theme parks, theatrical film, television and consumer products. Because our organization has held a unique position of public confidence and trust for more than fifty years, we are keenly aware of our ability to influence public opinion and inspire action.
With this significant responsibility in mind, the Disney organization makes the following Environmental Policy Statement an explicit and integral part of our corporate business objective and operating philosophy.

Water and Energy: Strive for improved water and energy conservation in existing operations. Invest in technologies and systems that enhance water and energy conservation. Include water and energy management as an integral part of all planning for future projects.

Environmental Impact: Identify and understand the direct and indirect impact that Disney facilities, operations, business practices, products and services may have on health, safety and the environment. Identify potential areas of concern and develop pro-active guidelines.

Conservation: Promote wildlife and habitat conservation through partnerships with the scientific and academic communities, and organizations committed to preserving the earth's biodiversity. Integrate natural resource conservation in all Disney's planning, development and operations activities. Effectively plan and manage conservation lands for the preservation of native plant and animal species.

Education: Educate Disney employees on the content of this Environmental Policy Statement and encourage them to practice Environmentality on the job and at home. Help develop employee forums to identify new ways to advance Environmentality and recognize innovative and superior efforts.

Research and Technology: Support, perform and participate in research that seeks realistic solutions to environmental problems. Advocate and apply promising and cost-effective technologies to demonstrate their environmental efficacy.

Accountability and Evaluation: Disney is currently involved in a global analysis to assess the status of waste stemming from their global operations. Once complete, this analysis will include a companywide recycling standard and reporting system.

Theming: When appropriate, integrate environmental theming into the Company's attractions, publications, and film and television programming.

Waste Minimization: Minimize the creation of wastes in our operations and business activities. Dispose of wastes conscientiously and creatively by encouraging a "reduce/reuse/recycle" mentality, and by developing programs and facilities that promote this attitude.

Laws and Regulations: Make every effort to understand and adhere to, not only the spirit, but the letter of environmental laws and regulations. Work to identify issues that may not yet be identified in the law, but could result in adverse environmental effects. Strive to exceed required levels of compliance wherever feasible.

Cooperation: Seek business relationships with companies that demonstrate environmental ethics. Encourage licensees, vendors, suppliers and participant companies to conduct business in an environmentally responsible manner.

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