In fact, a couple of weeks ago while talking to my wife about an upcoming trip I ran upstairs into a darkened hallway shouting, “I’m too excited to sleep,” recognizable from the television ad below, before colliding into several immovable objects and hurting my legs, head, and pride. This altercation, let’s call it ‘I fought the wall, and the wall won,’ got me think about how Disney knows just the right ways to affect us with their advertisements.
Aside from this advertisement, which even after my injuries is still my favorite Walt Disney World ad, here are a few of the paper ads that I think hit a chord with those who love all things Disney.

Wonderful post.
I will always remember the ad with Mickey Mouse standing on top of Spaceship Earth.
I totally love that tv spot. Brings tears to my eyes every time.
My favorite, though, was the glass slipper in the shoe box. "You got me a SHOE?!"
I always thought this one was cute...Ghosts punching the time card, pirates getting their swords sharpened, someone handing the keys to the dog...
Disney do so well with their advertising - especially their 'Year of a Million Dreams' adverts and leaflets. They bring a lump to my throat every time... The ones that are part colour part black & white? Love them!
Man, you just have to wonder how old those kids are today! They can do a great job on ads when they put their mind to it and ones like the Nemo one are stellar!
Disney works a whole different kind of magic with their commercials. Here is a link to a post with some of the better commercials from the parks.
Thanks for the great posts!
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