Why do we continue to visit Walt Disney World?
As the costs for everything from a ticket, to a room, to a
meal, to after-hours events, and even to parking continue to skyrocket, we still
continue to go. At some point you would think we would be priced out of the
market. At some point we would all say enough is enough. We would take our
hard-earned dollar, that doesn’t stretch as far as it used to outside the
resort’s berm either, and visit somewhere else. After all, Walt Disney World is
not the eighth wonder of the world.
The idea that the folks at Disney are grabbing at money
while offering little in return has reared its head again. Between the premium
parking spots that now cost an additional 75% above the already outrageous $20,
the limited capacity three hour after hours Magic Kingdom event for $150, and
the seasonally adjusted pricing for one day tickets, many guests have started
to perceive that there is a pinch going on. Consider that what was the cost of
an annual pass around six years ago has now double and that same amount from a 2010
annual pass will only provide for a week of admission in 2016. Add all of this to
the boiling cauldron that already includes entertainment offerings that have
been slashed to a shadow of their former glory or cut altogether, and you have
the perfect potion for an explosive populace.
For the longest time, Walt Disney World could hang its hat
on the fact that its parks and attractions created the most realistic
environments and had storytelling that was above reproach. While it still may
have the largest quantity of these theme environments, the details that we all
love and adore, the environmental storytelling that we crave is beginning to
become more and more prevalent at other theme parks. Universal, for one, has
been ramping up its game for a long time and between the Wizarding World and
Skull Island, appear to be nipping at the heels of Disney. So perhaps the
product isn’t as unique as it once was.
Caught between competitors who are closing the storytelling gap
and the need to continue to be seen as the most valuable ticket in town, and
you can begin to see the quandary Walt Disney World has found itself in, and
the precarious position it has put itself in with even some of its most loyal
guests. So, why do we continue to go?
No matter who we all are in the real world, when it comes to
Walt Disney World we are all unapologetic optimists. We may complain, but we
still find some reason to hope that tomorrow will be a better day. Part of that
comes from our memories, Walt Disney World is a place where we made memories as
children or with our children, and that nostalgia brings us back time and
again. Part of it comes from the knowledge that Walt wanted a park where
everyone could go, but that was always changing, so we believe these ideals
will once again align someday.
Think about how optimistic we all are. Some of us continue
to think of Disney’s Hollywood Studios as our favorite park, even as more and
more areas and attractions shutter to make way for the Star Wars and Toy Story
expansions. It is perfectly okay to take a step back and say it was our
favorite park, and that we believe it will be again, but with everything
shuttered there we’re leaning more towards Epcot/Magic Kingdom/Animal Kingdom
right now. And yet, there are those among us who absolutely refuse to budge on
their favorite park. Talk about optimistic!
We remember simpler times. When Walt Disney World was
smaller and our favorite moment from a trip was huddling under a poncho with
our parents, waiting and hoping for fireworks. And, just when the rain was
about to douse our last whisper of hope, the skies cleared, we were able to
come out from underneath the smelly, opaque plastic poncho and watch the darkened
sky become as bright as the midday with each burst of firework during
Illuminations. We remember the first time our child was able to climb aboard
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and the almost instantaneous love they had for the
roller coaster. We reminisce about meeting Mickey for the first time, riding
aboard a monorail, meeting the Ninja Turtles/Power Rangers/Anna and Elsa,
taking a flight with Dumbo, putting on a pair of mouse ears, and all of our other
memories that are just as unique as we are. We refuse to put a price on the
memories we have, and therefore continue to pay whatever the price is so that
we can continue to make these types of memories, or revisit the places where we
made these memories to begin with.
The first spark of what would be Disneyland, and then a
theme park empire, came to Walt Disney while he was out with his daughters one
day. He dreamed of a place where all were welcome and that would continue to
evolve and change. Those two items, to those of us who have spent our lives in
and around the theme parks, are not mutually exclusive. How many stories have
we heard about children who started out their lives with very limited income,
but their parents would let them wander around Disneyland in the afternoons. Because
they were safe there and it didn’t break the bank to be able to let them wander
and dream, even if they couldn’t afford to jump on every attraction that they
saw. These children are some of the very same individuals leading the company
today. In our hearts, we believe that they remember what those days were like,
what the heart of the parks have always been, and will turn the attention back
to being a place for all someday soon.

Perhaps that belief is misguided, but so often with
optimists, their beliefs cannot be swayed by even the most overwhelmingly
logical argument. Where did we get that unbridled sense that the sun will come
out tomorrow and not just that Disney will maybe one day have a “coupon day” to
borrow from Jurassic Park? We got it from Walt Disney World.
We know that the future is bright for the parks, we’ve seen
the renderings for new lands and attractions, and we’ve seen what has already
come to pass with New Fantasyland and Disney Springs. We know that the future
of Walt Disney World is secure in terms of their ability to tell stories in incredible
environments, but will we all be able to see and experience them the way that
we always have?
I don’t mind a scattering of ticketed events, but I think
there has to be a better way than to be seen as ostracizing those who love you
the most. Think about the International Flower and Garden Festival as an
example. The majority of why guests come to this event, the topiaries and
gardens, are included with admission to Epcot. There are some classes, extra
merchandise, food offerings, etc. that have additional costs. Just because I
don’t get to partake in these pieces doesn’t mean I don’t love what I do get to
see. This is a model I’d love to see flourish more within Walt Disney World,
and I don’t know if it will happen, but I hope that it can take root.
The cost of visiting Walt Disney World is always going to
climb, there is never going to be a day when Disney announces that ticket
prices are going to be going back down by 5, 10, 25 dollars. I think the
realists inside all of us understand that. That doesn’t mean that it should
grow exponentially, putting the burden of tomorrow’s dreams on the shoulders of
those struggling to just step through the gates today. It may be misguided, and
it may just be flat wrong, but I’m choosing to believe there is a brighter day
coming or all of us that love Walt Disney World. I may only be seen for how fat
my wallet is these days, but since it was Disney that thought me to believe in
the impossible and take chances, I’m taking the chance that they will see there
is a value, and one not tied to a dollar sign, in the guests that have loved Walt
Disney World for their entire lives and want to share that with as many people
as they can.