07 January 2009

Wherever you like to

The Main Street Gazette family is on the move again. We’re heading down to Florida for a fast weekend with friends and footraces. My wife and I, along with thousands of other guests, are taking part in this year’s half marathon Saturday. Plus, I have some serious research to be done in the 2.5 days I’m not running.

If you would like to track Aileen or I during the Half-Marathon, Disney had created a tracking service for those of you staying at home, you can find it here. Simply enter Ryan Wilson or Aileen Sheehan-Wilson. For the record, she is definitely going to wipe the floor with me!

As has become a tradition here on the Main Street Gazette, I will send back as many Picture Postcards as I can throughout the weekend. If you happen to be in Walt Disney World this weekend, and happen to see me running around, be sure to say hello. For those of you at home this weekend, I hope your weekend is as magical as mine is,… and keep your fingers crossed that I don’t get picked up by the bus during the half!


Anonymous said...

Good luck on the weekend. I am targeting the half for 2010.

Princess Fee said...

GOOD LUCK to the Main Street Family!!! I will be 'tracking' you both - and Ryan, I have no doubt that you'll beat the bus ;).

Enjoy and good luck to all running this weekend!