With this in mind, I imagine that tomorrow after the families watch the
Starting with the Declaration Salad, before moving on to herb bread stuffing, mashed potatoes, seasonal vegetables, and Stouffer’s Macaroni and Cheese (Stouffer’s is the sponsor of the Liberty Tree Tavern after all), paired perfectly with carved beef, smoked pork loin, and, of course, roasted turkey breast. As if this were not enough, the feast is crowned with cherry cobbler with vanilla ice cream, it may not be as American as Apple Pie, but it certainly comes close. Seconds are always on hand and, if your family is like my family, the only thing you won’t require more of is the Mac and Cheese. It is not that it isn’t good, it is, nut you can tell it is Stouffer’s and the rest of the morsels you are cramming into your mouth, as if they are going out of style, taste fresh and homemade and absolutely delicious.

I can, even now, envision the plethora of families visiting the Magic Kingdom tomorrow feeling right at home at the Liberty Tree Tavern. Amid the hustle and bustle and crowds and crying children and crying adults and smiles and laughter and stories to tell for years to come, after all isn’t that what holidays are like around your house, and isn’t that what is important? The memories we make with friends and families this, and every day, of the year? I hope you enjoy your holiday, I am eternally optimistic the some Magic will find it’s way into your day (whether over a meal at Liberty Tree Tavern, a game of touch-football on your front lawn, and a quiet moment with someone you are thankful for), and I feel we each deserve nothing but the brightest.
Sounds like your wife and my wife don the same face when they are tired and hungry.
When she is tired and hungry she dons face so sour that even Grumpy (the dwarf, not Ray) would seem happy-go-lucky.
Have you met Ray? Me neither...but in the Interweb of Disney blogs--he is a true giant among men!
Have you met Ray? Me neither...but in the Interweb of Disney blogs--he is a true giant among men!
I'd say that goes for both of you gentlemen, and probably moreso for our wives!
Our poor Disney Widows.
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