01 January 2014

Continental Combo

It’s the first day of a new year and, like most holidays, it should start with something sweet to eat. On any given weekend, that could be pancakes, waffles, and a quick trip down the street for some doughnuts, but on holidays I’ve always found that cinnamon rolls are the way to go for a special treat. Luckily, in the Magic Kingdom, you now have two destinations, and two varieties, of cinnamon rolls to dig into.

Both the Main Street Bakery and Gaston’s Tavern serve up warm cinnamon rolls, the kind that your kids will like to hold up to their faces and remind you that the pastry is as big as their head! At which point you’ll probably realize how much sugar you just handed them… My suggestion? Nothing cures a sugar rush better than running around Tom Sawyer Island. Back to the breakfast at hand, Main Street Bakery serves the traditional variety of the Cinnamon Roll, large pillows of sweet, cinnamon-infused dough drenched in gooey icing. Meanwhile, at Gaston’s Tavern, the Warm Cinnamon Roll is the same roll (why mess with perfection, right?), but the icing is doubled up with the typical glaze as well as a second maple icing.

Both of these cinnamon rolls have their place in my heart, but the maple just doesn’t do it for me, so I prefer the original found at Main Street Bakery. Although I have heard tale of being able to ask for a cinnamon roll at Gaston’s Tavern without the maple topping, but I’ve not been able to confirm that for myself yet.

When you head out to your local bakery this morning for a batch of freshly baked cinnamon rolls you are unlikely to find the Walt Disney World variety. Instead, as has been my typical experience, you will find rolls perfectly suited for garnishing Princess Leia’s hair. By that I mean the rolls will likely be round, with a hearty crust to them. These are perfectly fine, but as a person who has never been big on crust for breakfast (a baguette is a whole other story), the doughy version found in the two breakfast stopovers in the Magic Kingdom has always suited me better. They keep me salivating until my next trip, and I suppose they should be a special treat only consumed here and there. After all, you are on vacation!

1 comment:

Alligatorbayou said...

Hi Ryan! Does this mean the original cinnamon rolls are back at Main St Bakery??? When we were there this summer they were no longer on Main St. My fingers are crossed that this is the case!!!!! :)