When you are away in far off lands in Walt Disney World,
there are times you don’t speak the language presented around you. Often times,
when visiting Harambe in Disney’s Animal Kingdom, the language you encounter is
Swahili. If you’re making your way through the queue for Kilimanjaro Safaris,
translations for animal names are easy to come by. This is especially easy to
pick up if you’ve ever paid attention to names in The Lion King.
Then there are the times that language is presented to you
without translation. Sometimes the context gives you clues, such as the
markings around the Harambe Marketplace or the markers on the road throughout
Kilimanjaro Safaris. There are always those times, however, that unless you
translate the message you never quite know what information is being passed
along. These are some of my favorite details in Harambe because I know not
everyone takes the time to fully investigate the communications and proverbs
sitting in front of them, so these are treasures (and I find all words to be
treasures) that I know I share with only a dedicated few park detectives.

The Swahili text reads, “hawana baada ya giza.” It’s English
translation, and I ran this through several different translators, comes out
as, “they do not after dark.” It is likely more closely related to “closed
after dark,” but I wanted to stay true to my translation. While the crocodile
aspect is missing from this section, I imagine it is a safe bet that the locals
know precisely why they shouldn’t visit the beach after the sun has set.
The English text reads, “Access after dark at risk.
Crocodile activity on beach. Beware.” Straightforward and directly to the
point. Clearly some of the non-native tourists have been forgotten that Harambe
lives nestled up to, and in harmony with, the wild spaces of Africa.
If these two written warnings weren’t enough, there is one
last message. A picture of an angry looking crocodile with sharp action lines
radiating from his jaw. If this doesn’t get the idea across to you that there
are crocodiles and that they are wild creatures who like to have their space,
then I’m not sure what more the citizens of Harambe can do to give you a
warning you will understand.
Vignettes like these are scattered all throughout Harambe,
Disney’s Animal Kingdom, and Walt Disney World as a whole. It takes an
investment of time to understand what you are looking at and how it plays into
the story around you, and it may even take a little digging into a knowledge
base you’re not familiar with, but it is well worth the exploration. You see
more of the narrative and even have something special to share with friends and
family that you bring along with you. Plus, you always know when to be on the look
out for crocodiles!
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